Begin every journey by praising God

Brian Dean, pastor of Lakeview Church, writes about making sure God is in control

A key moment in the history of the nation of Israel, was when God spoke to them about entering their Promised Land. They had delayed their inheritance some 40 years before, wandering around the desert.

In Deuteronomy 1, God says “You have stayed long enough at this mountain … I have given you this land. Go in and take possession of the land…”

For those who have accepted Jesus Christ into their lives, the Bible tells us that we share in a wonderful inheritance. Whilst this may not be real estate in the Middle East, we have been born again into a new life, both now and eternity.

Yet many, despite Jesus’ promise of freedom, peace, joy and liberty, seem to be camped in a desert place. Imagine eating quail and wafers for almost 40 years.

The first few months may have been great, but one menu does become quite monotonous after a while. For some, our walk with God has become like that – same food, same mountain, same hot sand.

But God gave them a directive on how to break camp, pack up and move into their inheritance.

I believe there is God-given strategy in this for us today.

The tribes went in a specific order which is helpful for us. Judah, which means praise, went first.

When we tackle any issue, praising God before all else corrects our relationship with Him. Even Jesus taught us to pray by starting with praise before all else. “Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name.”

Complaining, strategizing, sending in spies, weighing up options and so on are too often our first response.

Let our initial reaction be to praise God first. Then God is where He should be – in control, and we are where we should be – following His lead.

Brian Dean is pastor with Lakeview Church in Quesnel.

Quesnel Cariboo Observer