Behaviour unstable, frightening

As adults, we need to behave in such a manner that is not offensive or cruel. Is it no wonder bullying is alive and well?

A public community event should involve everyone. No one should behave as if they have the right to say who can participate, and who cannot, based on whether the host likes them or not. There is a Grinch amongst us this holiday season. Discrimination, bullying, harassment and displaced anger was played out in the parking lot at the seniors’ centre in Grand Forks.  n this day of anti-bullying, how one person can stand and shriek, “I don’t like you, you have to leave,” is beyond me.

Children learn by example. As adults, we need to behave in such a manner that is not offensive or cruel. Is it no wonder bullying is alive and well?

There were several witnesses watching this childish display of one adult yelling at another. It would have made an innocent bystander think something terrible must of happened in order for this to unfold, in public, at a community event, at Christmas time.

The behaviour of the host was unstable and frightening. Peace on earth starts at home, in your neighbourhood, and your community.

Merry Christmas.

Lorraine O’Connor, Grand Forks

Grand Forks Gazette