Bell applauded for staging vital public action

Many congratulations to our local doctor, Warren Bell, for successfully staging and accomplishing, a very notable people’s march

Many congratulations to our local doctor, Warren Bell, for successfully staging and accomplishing, a very notable people’s march, enviroment-saving endeavour (i.e. the large march with many placards on Sept.  20, beginning at McGuire Lake and finishing at the Ross Street Plaza, with speeches and a large demonstration).

At the event, Bell  spoke profoundly (and sang), as did a number of others.

Our local Deo Lutheran pastor sent in a strong outreach message which Bell read, and a petition was signed by the large crowd.

Bell alerted all this to the worldwide organization Avaaz, as well as the United Nations and our prime minister, Stephen Harper.

It was all very impressive and a vital stand for our enviro.

Bell, I believe, is the only local medical and/or professional person (check me if wrong) taking  the time, energy and concern for our planet.

Has he upstaged, the provincial and federal departments of environment in staging this large and vital event,?

I do realize, however, it is incumbent on persons in any walk of life to do this outreach, so here’s to a strong life for our marine life, birds and bees, to fresh air and clean water.

Tom Sveinson


Salmon Arm Observer