Berkey’s Corner development not wanted

We have two nearby restaurants, a dance school, a curling rink, a large corner store, a mailbox and we did have a garage and gas station

In her letter to the Citizen this week, Krista Phillips, at last, says it like it is. With regard to the proposed development at Berkey’s Corner, I have lived in my house very near this corner, for the last 36 years. I have watched as housing has been developed, streets have been widened, sidewalks put in where necessary, a roundabout, improvement to our soccer fields and school, etc., all good things. Even bus shelters after I complained.

We have two nearby restaurants, a dance school, a curling rink, a large corner store, a mailbox and we did have a garage and gas station, which sadly, were closed.

That, we could use again. We have another grocery store not far down the road and a hospital nearby. We have several small parks and playgrounds in the immediate area.

I live on Somenos Road, which by the way, used to be the Trans Canada Highway when I first came to Duncan eons ago, as the saying goes, “barefoot and pregnant.” I can tell you we do not need more traffic!

We have, what I consider, all the necessary things for daily life. I love it. Did I mention mountain views? Now that I’ve told you what we have, I want somebody to tell me what we really need. All greed put aside.

I am not only a senior, but a senior senior, so for me it won’t matter so much, but for those yet to come, this unwanted, not needed development would be an abomination, pure and simple. There aren’t too many places left where people can live a relatively sane life. Leave us alone.


Peggy Cetinski


Cowichan Valley Citizen