Berkey’s Corner: it’s never too late to do the right thing

I find myself thinking of the article about the recent council meeting.

As I sit in my living room and watch the second (of many daily) traffic jams occur outside my window right by where the Berkey’s Corner development would be, I find myself thinking of the article about the recent council meeting.

I find myself thinking about living beside a development a lot lately and although I celebrate the fact that Hall Pacific is no longer involved, the story isn’t over yet; a development can, and likely will, still happen.

So to answer Al Siebring’s question as to whether council has the moral authority to change the rules mid-game, my answer is yes. You always have the power to do the right thing, listen to the overwhelming opposition of the locals and make a decision that you can feel good about at the end of the day. You can say no, another drive thru isn’t what we need, and you can be admired and respected for your ability to admit that the status quo doesn’t work anymore.

You can strive towards making a development that doesn’t just put money and jobs into our community but also works towards a more sustainable, greener future.

You can be a leader. You can be better, because this community deserves leaders who are looking out for their best interest.


Krista Phillips

North Cowichan

Cowichan Valley Citizen