Besler commits to non-partisan board

My party affiliations do not define me as an individual and it is as an independent candidate that I am running for School Trustee.

In response to your editorial “Partisan politics” (Chilliwack Progress, Nov. 21)

It is true that Mr. Coulter and I come from different ideologies and those differences would have been highlighted throughout this campaign with, or without, our provincial party affiliations being known (which they were from the beginning).

It’s true, I am a member and supporter of the BC Liberal Party and I “was on the front lines in the election win of Chilliwack MLA John Martin.” I also support the Federal Conservative Party and for a few years I supported the BCCP. I view that experience and my association with provincial decision-makers as assets I will use to better School District 33 if I am elected as a Trustee.

I would like to remind you, and Chilliwack voters, that my party affiliations do not define me as an individual and it is as an independent candidate that I am running for School Trustee.

I am a family man, an entrepreneur, an experienced School District volunteer as a member of the Special Education Advisory Committee, a community volunteer as a Director on the board of the Fraser Valley Child Development Center, and a parent with three children currently enrolled in the Chilliwack School District. Those traits help define me as potential Trustee better than my political party affiliations.

Other than the joys that come with raising a family of my own, my greatest joy has been the privilege of working with decision makers in education both locally and provincially to put our children first and strengthen our education system. If I am elected as a Trustee, my mandate will be to serve the Chilliwack School District with focus, committing myself to the highest standards of education for our students by providing them with the best choices possible to excel in our “dynamic and complex world.”

If elected, I will continue to honour my commitment to keep the Chilliwack School Board non-partisan. I will hold true to my commitment to make the Chilliwack School District an environment where every student can have the opportunity to reach his or her greatest potential.

Ben Besler

Candidate for Trustee,

Chilliwack School District 33

Chilliwack Progress