Better fences make better neighbours

I see nothing unsightly about a high fence

The woman who wrote that her seven-foot high fence is unsightly is wrong.

I see nothing unsightly about a high fence. It is her property and she has a right to build any kind of fence she wants. If it is her intention to have privacy from people and deer, so be it.

If anyone doesn’t want the deer in their yards, let them deal with it. I like the deer. It is a wonderful gift to be able to have these beautiful, graceful animals in our area. People should remember that animals are the children who never grow up and it is our duty to take care of them.

That does not mean killing them. It means making allowances for them and letting them enjoy their harmless and peaceful lives.

As for the other woman, who wanted the CRD to act now, she obviously does not understand that not everyone agrees with her. I do not want my tax dollars wasted on this issue.

I would also ask all these people who want the deer killed, to ask themselves honestly would they have the stomach to watch these little creatures die a horrible and unnecessary death.

Mae Baker


Oak Bay News