Better place for memorial

There was a story and picture in the Sept. 29 News, of a memorial tree to be placed in Mill Lake Park for the three female farm workers killed in a traffic accident four years ago.

There was a story and picture in the Sept. 29 News, of a memorial tree to be placed in Mill Lake Park for the three female farm workers killed in a traffic accident four years ago.

Definitely, it’s a wonderful memorial, but it might cause a bit of a problem if placed in Mill Lake Park. Why? Because, maybe in the future the relatives of other casualties in traffic accidents, fires, earthquakes, drownings, etc., might want their loved ones remembered by something placed in Mill Lake Park.

So, because of that, I’m suggesting a much more suitable place to have that memorial tree – in the International Friendship Garden on George Ferguson Way.

Ernie Poignant

Abbotsford News