Better representatives wanted in government

I want a candidate that will represent me, not one that feels they have a divine right to rule over me.

How will I vote in thew next provincial election? Frankly I don’t know, none of the parties give me the impression they are interested in the people.

All of the parties are telling me what they will make the people do, as though the purpose of the election was to choose who will rule and control the people.

It would be refreshing to hear a candidate say “My job is to represent you the people, I will vote in the legislature as the people in my riding direct me to even when the vote will be contrary to my official party line or different than my personal views.”

Is there a candidate out there that will represent us, that will not use their election to impose theirs and their party’s will on us?

I want a candidate that will represent me, not one that feels they have a divine right to rule over me.

Norm  Ryder

Central Saanich



Peninsula News Review