Better uses for funds spent on crosswalks

Well, it is almost spring and the rainbow crosswalks are no longer.

Dear Editor,

Well, it is almost spring and the rainbow crosswalks are no longer.

At least the crosswalks in Kelowna were painted with a much brighter paint than our dull looking ones.

My question is will the municipality want to repaint them now that they have disappeared?

After all, according to Coun. Erin Trainer it won’t cost very much.

The cost of almost $4,000 for two crosswalks may not mean much to Erin, but that’s a lot of money to many people living on a budget.

That money could have been given to the food bank where it would have benefited many more citizens of Summerland.

Next time council, try to put our hard-earned taxpayers’ money to better use.

Dianne Hill



Summerland Review