A letter writer warns the public to be informed when door-to-door gas marketers come calling.

A letter writer warns the public to be informed when door-to-door gas marketers come calling.

Beware of bad gas marketers

They have resurfaced once again to harass, confuse and deceive residents.

On a recent evening after finishing a delightful early dinner, I felt a great discomfort in my lower regions. This discomfort did not come from the meal I had consumed, but rather due to a certain uninvited visitor to my house.

This person came to my door dressed in safety gear and badge and for all intents and purposes, looked rather official.

He seemed to have my interest at heart and wanted to inspect my Fortis BC bill to ensure I was “price protected.”

Sensing that something wasn’t right, I sent this visitor off with a friendly goodbye.

My visitor happened to be an independent gas marketer and almost everything this person said to me was either misleading or dishonest.

In fact, as I subsequently discovered, both his request to see my Fortis account information and his reluctance to disclose the true nature of his visit contravene the “Code of Conduct for Gas Marketers.”

He even adamantly insisted that “he wasn’t selling anything” when I straight up asked him what he was selling.

Normally, I would not be too concerned about this person’s appalling behaviour except that there may be people in our communities who are vulnerable to this type of deceitful sales practice.

I remember encountering these characters a few years ago and it appears that they have resurfaced once again to harass, confuse and deceive residents.


Ian Hay, Surrey


Surrey Now Leader