Beware of the Brotherhood

I read with interest John Seeland’s letter in the Jan. 25 edition of The NEWS (‘Canada’s costs of war are mounting’).

I read with interest John Seeland’s letter in the Jan. 25 edition of The NEWS (‘Canada’s costs of war are mounting’).

He raises some good points and questions to be discussed. However, I believe these costs will increase and, very likely, with good cause.

It is critical to have an understanding of the Muslim Brotherhood group. For me, the name came on my radar with the Arab Spring activity in Egypt as just another bunch on the rampage. After some research, I find that its formation dates back to 1928. It now has a worldwide presence committed to establishing Sharia Law.

Their methods utilize many legitimate-sounding organizations which teach, recruit and, over time, become involved in various areas of government, law enforcement, and generally, areas where their influence can be included.

The Muslim Brotherhood goals are listed in their bylaws as: “Insist to liberate the Islamic nation from the yoke of foreign rule… the need to work on establishing the Islamic State… the sincere support for a global cooperation in accordance with the provisions of the Islamic Sharia.”

Make no mistake: violent Jihad is an integral part of the program, and we are vulnerable if we insist on keeping our heads in the sand.

I urge you to dig in and do your own research on the Muslim Brotherhood, its roots, intentions and plans. These plans include North America and they are very well organized.

Jack VincentParksville

Parksville Qualicum Beach News