Beyond the call of duty for man’s best friend

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Dr. Mann. The compassion you have for animals is unbelievable.

On Saturday, Nov. 19 I took my four-legged best friend to Menzies Pet Hospital for a “second” opinion. I had never been there before.

When I arrived,  Dr. Mann walked in and I asked him if he would please look at my dog as she was very sick. He replied, “Yes of course.”  He took the time to look at Sadie, said he would put her on an IV and take x-rays and would call later that evening. (Nothing showed on the x-rays).

Sunday I called to see how she was doing and asked if I could come and spend time with my friend. Dr. Mann said, “not a problem”.

Monday morning I called, no change in Sadie, I asked if I could come to visit her but this time may I bring a TV and her favorite movie. “Absolutely,” he said.

We decided with Dr. Mann’s advice to have an ultrasound as that would show more than the x-ray. Dr. Mann would have to go back after his regular hours to do the ultrasound and would call with the results.

At 10:15 p.m. Dr. Mann called. He too was surprised with the results. Sadie had a tumour in her heart and pancreas.

I would have to make the hardest decision of my life. My heart is heavy but I also have peace knowing Dr. Mann and his staff gave Sadie the utmost attention and made the last three days of her life comfortable.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Dr. Mann. The compassion you have for animals is unbelievable.

Rosie Binsted

Chilliwack Progress