BIA requires a high standard

Not everyone is in favour of a business improvement area.

Recently, a member of the Sidney business community came into my shop to sell me on a local BIA. Initially, this individual was charm personified. The benefits of a BIA were extolled and the support of 60-odd fellow Sidney merchants was mentioned.

I asked this person how many merchants would have to pay if the BIA was adopted? The answer: approximately 360. I suggested it might be a good idea, given the past BIA attempts, to get a solid majority of at least two-thirds in favour before even taking the proposal to council.

The individual’s demeanour suddenly changed and as my peer walked out the door, I was called a degrotatory name.

Not everyone is in favour of a business improvement area. If it is adopted, those who were against it are going to have their money taken from them involuntarily. I think we owe these dissenters a high standard, which means a solid majority in favour. Then you can take it to council with high confidence and a clear conscience.

Joshua Burke



Peninsula News Review