Bible truths

Initial contribution... what will be a regular monthly submission to the Castlegar News

Pastor Tom Kline

Pastor Tom Kline

Reflecting on the Resurrection

“For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures” – I Corinthians 15:3-4

Did Jesus Christ actually rise from the dead? Absolutely! There is no fact of history more attested then the resurrection of Christ. The Apostle Paul gives three irrefutable proofs in the opening verses of this chapter.

First, the experiential evidence of the gospel. The resurrection of Christ is essential to the gospel, without it Christianity becomes nothing more than a works based religion on par with every other religion. All the religions of the world offer a system of things you must do to gain the approval of God, or to earn a favourable place in eternity. Conversely, Biblical Christianity is not a religion of what you must do, but about what has already been done.

Everything necessary to reconcile you to God and give eternal life was accomplished by Christ on the Cross. His resurrection proves the acceptance of His sacrifice and confirms that death has been conquered! Millions of individuals throughout history have acknowledged their sins and rather than subscribing to a code of ethics, have simply placed faith in Christ and experienced their lives transformed by the Holy Spirit of God. This innumerable host of converted lives offer an undeniable witness to the resurrection of Christ. Thousands of the most wretched sinners have been made godly Christians by simple faith in the resurrected Saviour. Furthermore, millions have lived and even died for the faith of the gospel.  These transformed lives could not be explained if Christ’s body decomposed in the grave.

Secondly, there is the documental evidence of the Scripture. Paul states that His death, burial and resurrection is “according to the Scriptures.” This event fulfills a host of prophesies. Consider just one for now. Psalms 16:10 “… neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.” A soul does not “corrupt” or decay a body does. A spiritual resurrection is not a resurrection at all. Jesus’ dead body was laid in the grave and three days later His body arose from the dead and came out of the tomb!

Thirdly, there is the evidential proof of witnesses. “And that he was seen of … the twelve:  After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once” (I Corinthians 15:5-6) Any court in any land will receive the testimony of credible witnesses and here are hundreds of eyewitnesses. Because He lives, He can live in your heart today!


Pastor Tom Kline,

Castlegar Baptist Church

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