Biblical morality immoral in modern world

Adam and Eve as described in the Genesis never existed.

Biblical morality immoral in modern world

Biblical morality immoral in modern world

Tony Odo is right to say that feminism isn’t in the Bible. Feminism is one of the human rights advances that has only occurred because scripture has ceased being the basis of our laws. That anyone still serious considers the Book of Genesis as anything other then a collection of ignorant concepts that have plagued humankind since they were first cobbled together is bizarre to me.

Women through the ages have especially suffered as a result of misogynist beliefs of ancient goat herders which some people even today hold to be God’s divine plan. That anyone believes that because of the myth of Adam and Eve condemning everyone with “original sin” is ridiculous. Adam and Eve as described in the Genesis never existed. Nor is the idea of a talking snake any less absurd.

But on this talking snake with legs, it was God that lied not the serpent. And no, the serpent was not Satan as the devil was the gift of Christianity, which has bedeviled the world ever since it was created to serve as a bogie man to frighten little children into believing, or else.

The idea that “no woman shall have dominion over man” is just one of the misogynist ideas that the Bible contains. An idea that still holds women back from equality in far too many fundamentalist societies today.

So rather then wasting time debating the merits of scripture as if any of it has a place in the modern world where science has shown us how the natural world works without needing to believe in magic, the supernatural, and ancient goat herders, just put an “R” rating on that book to keep it away from children and shelve it under fiction in the library. Simply put, biblical morality is immoral in the modern world.

Freedom of religion in Canada doesn’t mean that any religious faith or its most cherished beliefs are above being criticized, especially when they violate human rights and equality.

Robert T. Rock

Mission City

Cowichan Valley Citizen