Bicycles shouldn’t have to be licensed

Licensing bicycles would be the slippery edge of the wedge

Re: Cyclists ought to be licensed, fees should be used to pay for paths (Letters, Aug. 29)

Implying that bicycles be licensed is a suggestion that would be unworkable. It is doubtful the police would enforce such a law as they already do not enforce the helmet law, nor do they enforce the law that requires a car when passing a bike pull completely into another lane.

If bicycles are required to pay for their use of the roads and trails, what’s next? Charging pedestrians to walk along the road side?

There are many problems on our roads and trails, mostly caused by the varieties of forms of transportation. With the increase of unlicensed electric scooters (mostly used by seniors), then include pedestrians, then cyclists in three classes (commuter or recreational and children). For more confusion add horses and, of course, cars, and finally large trucks.

All operate differently and it is time that the highway act was rewritten and not just a couple of new clauses added to an old and tired piece of legislation.

This should become an election issue next May.

Norm Ryder

Central Saanich

Peninsula News Review