Biden reversing ban on funding for abortions step in the right direction

The decision to have an abortion is for the potential mother to make.


Biden reversing ban on funding for abortions step in the right direction

Susan Fryer says that Biden reversing the ban on funding for abortions is a disaster for Africa. I really don’t follow her reasoning, as women have a right to control their fertility.

The decision to have an abortion is for the potential mother to make. Not me, not Ms. Fryer, and certainly not the evangelicals who pushed Trump to issue that ban in the first place.

The Billings Ovulation Method is a glorified Rhythm Method ordained by the Catholic church which was a highly ineffective form of church sponsored birth control. The jury on the effectiveness of the Billings Ovulation Method is still out but the failure rate is as high as 22 per cent. Women usually abandon the method in the first year.

We have seen the damage that the white Christian nationalists have done to America and have used their power to reach other parts of the world to impose their archaic anti-woman and anti-human rights dogmas under the false banner of Christian charity. How charitable is it to go to, for example, Africa, and offer food, medical care, and education by converting people by extortion? Believe like we do or get no help.

Having children that they can’t afford, to raise them only to watch them die before the age of five, is the real disaster. Having smaller families that they can afford to clothe, to send to school, is what will lift African families out of poverty. In the bigger picture, our world is overpopulated so all methods of population control should be supported so we don’t “begat” ourselves off of our planet.

Watching Biden undo the carnage that Trump, QAnon and evangelical followers caused is giving me hope for the future. So, to President Biden, keep up the good work. Your presidency saved America, and the world, from a new Fascist theocracy headed by the worst failure imaginable of a president and human being, Donald Trump. Returning funding to overseas family planning, including abortions, was the right thing to do.

Robert T. Rock

Mission City

Cowichan Valley Citizen