Big Brothers Big Sisters make a big difference

Big Brothers Big Sisters is looking for someone who can make a big difference to a child’s life by spending just one hour with them.

To the Editor,

An hour is all you need to spend with a child who needs you. Big Brothers Big Sisters is looking for someone who can make a big difference to a child’s life by spending just one hour with them at school doing either a game, a craft, baking, reading or just time to talk or listen. It makes them feel they are special because you are there.

In nine years I have met some troubled children who were having problems with others because of bullying or just not belonging, but amazingly, when we baked cookies and shared them with their classmates, things slowly began to change.

An hour seems like such a little thing, but to a child it can make such a big difference. Give Big Brothers Big Sisters a call. It can make a difference in your life as well.

Sally SandersNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin