Big picture needed

Letter writer says the needs of all sports organizations must be considered

Vernon also has a  community involved in  sports such as tae kwon do, judo, boxing karate, aikido and fencing. They are all looking for better facilities.

Vernon has hosted amateur boxing tournaments in the past two years such as the Golden Gloves and Bronze Gloves, and it may well be possible for Vernon to host the provincials and the nationals.

I would like to suggest that these sports, that are also Olympic and world sports, have some space allocated to them in this plan.

CounterPunch Boxing Club-Vernon, a member of Boxing B.C. and Boxing Canada, is looking for a suitable space to set up a boxing ring  and I am sure others are also looking for some permanent homes in an expensive commercial environment.

That is where such a community-funded proposal should be directing its vision to, the much larger picture than just  a few sports being catered to.

Before the vote goes forward, I suggest a much larger study must be carried out to ensure that all sports have  some input.

Tony Stamboulieh,

CounterPunch Boxing Club


Vernon Morning Star