Bike lane must be made safer

Surely the cost to make this corner safer would be just a drop in the bucket

Perhaps the title of this letter should be used in place of the city’s past “Take The Challenge Bike, Bus or Carpool”.  I say this as one of the regular cyclists who navigate the windy and hilly Promontory Road to work and home.

Like me I’m sure the other cyclists who travel this route are thankful for the  white barriers that remind drivers of the presence of the designated bike lane on the inside corner of this section of Promontory Road. By the wear and tear showing on these barriers have probably have saved a cyclist or two from equal or more serious wear and tear.

But just downhill from this stretch of barriers is what local cyclists have dubbed “Widow’s Bend”…. A width of bike less than two feet where motorists whiz past heading into a blind corner such that the white line marking the bike has long disappeared. No signage to warn drivers of possible bicyclists, just the possible encounter with a dump truck.

Surely the cost to make this corner safer would be just a drop in the bucket compared to the tens of thousands of dollars being put towards the rebuilding of a small garden and fountain on Young Street, coincidentally located across the street from City Hall.


Garry Taylor,

Promontory Heights

Chilliwack Progress