Bike lanes aren’t the answer

Let’s back this pollution-spewing bus up just a bit

In response to M. Lissau’s letter in The Morning Star – whoa, whoa, whoa. Let’s back this pollution-spewing bus up just a bit!

How about you think of it as “You pay for what you use fee?”

You want more bike lanes and paths but don’t want to be the one paying for it? You feel the others, who are already burdened with taxes and ‘fees’, too long to list, that they should pay for it? This seems also the wish of a few at city hall as well. Who changed the rules of common sense? Someone get me a drink!

I drive around Vernon and it is hard not to notice the many designated ‘bike lanes’ on many major roadways and I swear I could fire a cannon down any one of them, at any time of the day, on any day of the week and never hit a soul.

My best guess would be there are one in 100 people who actually use bicycles on any sort of regular basis. If my estimate is anywhere close that would amount to one per cent of the population.

And just what monies do you think built and maintains that three-foot lane on both sides of the road? Well it would be partially paid by motorists’ gas taxes, already.

Consider that for a moment; all that money spent and six feet of endless road space for a handful people.

What a terrible waste of pavement.

Years ago kids dominated the bicycling world. Every kid had one and every kid used them as transportation to school, play and work.

Now children are bused or driven to school and if close enough they simply walk. The school grounds have not even tenth of the amount of bicycles parked there that use to be. Kids are apt to hop on a skate board rather than a bicycle.

Basically, the few people I see using bicycles are not ‘kids’ anymore, but adults.

Bicycles are not and never will be the answer to the environment. They were never a practical form of transportation. As history shows, the bicycle was fairly well skipped over from the horse and buggy to the automobile.

You then go on to say this somehow would attract tourists to town.

Well isn’t that a bit contradictory? Just how do you suppose those tourists are going to get here? Do think that they are going to use up their limited holidays to ‘bicycle’ up from the States or over from Alberta?

People, wake up. Certainly I can’t be the only person who feels like this.

The only thing that we’ve done for the environment to give governments, at all levels, a blank cheque. It has turned into the greatest cash-cow in history and they’re bleeding it for all they can, right along with the corporations, gutting us for cash all in the name of ‘going green’, ‘save the planet’ etc. etc.

Every time they run short of ‘funds’ they dream up another ‘fee’ (re: tax) and use the ‘environment’ as their argument so that we feel a ‘guilt’ arguing it.

Well I for one have had enough of that ploy. Pick pocketing us with user fees and taxes is counter-productive in getting any economy fired up. We are the ‘consumer’. Take away our money and we can’t buy things and when we stop buying things the economy stops, period. Put more money in our pockets and we will spend it on houses, cars, holidays, TV’s, etc. Viola! That is how an economy gets healthy and stays healthy!

Its basic economics which you would think politicians could figure out but very few of them do. They are only good at dreaming up absurd ways and excuses to tax us more, and hence, discouraging true and real business.

This, they have found, is much easier than actually budgeting smartly.

My suggestion for bicycling enthusiasts? You want it, you pay for it. Enough of tagging everyone else for your hobby.

And how about coughing up the cash for the three feet of un-used pavement that already exists? I’m sure city hall can figure out a hefty yearly registration system so that you can pay your fair share for the construction, maintenance and cleaning of the lanes reserved for bicycles.

Can’t afford it?  Neither can I.


G. Campbell, Lumby



Vernon Morning Star