Bike route needed

On Aug. 13, I was going into town when to the right of me right across the Orange Bridge was a man on the ground, not moving.

Re: the ongoing saga of bicycles, cars and humans.

On Aug. 13, I was going into town to do the banking for our office when to the right of me right across the Orange Bridge was a man on the ground, not moving.

His bicycle behind him, his brilliant yellow jacket and helmet still. There were a lot of people at the scene, so obviously they didn’t require another person messing up the space. I prayed that he would be okay, and then as I drove I began to get angry with Parksville again.

I love this town, I’m sure the visitors love this town. But how many times this summer have I passed lovely families from Rathrevor trying to negotiate the highway with their little ones on bicycles behind or in front of them, keeping them out of harms way.

Why haven’t we done something about bringing a trail across from the resorts through the estuary, (good reason to buy Surfside, people) or urge the provincial government to chip in some money. We love and live in this town, but for our fellow visitors who we love so dearly and welcome every summer, would you recommend it as a friendly bicycle resort/town.

We all came here to be healthy, we can all use this trail for walking or biking, not only through summer as we all know and that is why we live here. As I returned to work, the scene was empty, a large curb that leads to the path over the Orange Bridge was at the point where he fell, the sidewalk doesn’t match up to the curb, etc. Please fix that. I then saw a father, jogging with his little ones on bicycle inside of him hugging the highway, protecting them like cubs as he jogged to the RV site.

Nancy Jones


Parksville Qualicum Beach News