Billing flawed

Water conservation is one thing, but this is a bit much

We have reviewed the figures concerning the new water rates and have concerns regarding the recommendations from the Parksville council’s committee of the whole.

We are mindful of conserving water and our current water consumption is below the 90 cubic meter minimum.

If applied, the new rates will increase our rates by over 28 per cent (using the figures provided by the City of Parksville Fact Sheet, dated September 28, 2012 and having these figures verified by city staff).

This is an unacceptable rate increase and a hardship in times of overall rising costs to everyday living. It would have been helpful for residents to have received the fact sheet with the recent utility notice so they could easily evaluate their specific costs.

We have sent a letter to the City of Parksville. We hope our feedback is helpful and the mayor and council will consider our concerns in their review of the proposed billing structure.

Jean and Gord Allan





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