Bill’s Place

Family touched by the development of John Howard Society treatment centre

I am writing this letter in response to your article about the opening of Bill’s Place in April 28th’s paper.

I have received many positive comments on the quality of the photo and the excellent reporting of Roger Knox.

Well done. As a family, we are grateful and humbled by the response to Bill’s legacy.

In the spirit of my late husband Bill, he would never have taken the credit alone so let me take this opportunity to recognize the dedicated people who have honored his legacy and made Bill’s Place a reality.

We couldn’t have asked for anyone better than Barb Levesque to carry on his vision.

As executive director of the John Howard Society, she has worked tirelessly with the JHS Board, local politicians and staff to make this a reality.

Vernon is especially fortunate to have so many caring citizens who are so generous with their support.


Pat Hesketh


Vernon Morning Star