Biomass project an inspiration

Everyone should take a look at what the Lake Babine Nation is doing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Dear Sir:

With the world now concentrating on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the Terrace chapter of the Council of Canadians points to a northwestern B.C. project as an example of what is possible.

The Lake Babine Nation should have the full attention of all in its planning of a three-phase biomass clean energy project.

It will burn wood chips to sell heat to government organizations, private homes in Woyenne and community buildings in Fort Babine.

Along with providing training and jobs, this exciting project will mean cheaper and more sustainable energy to the community.

This environmentally friendly biomass project will have all new facilities with net zero greenhouse gas emissions.

Biomass as a carbon neutral renewable resource does help our planet remain within the goal of limiting our greenhouse gas emissions to global warming of no more than 1.5 degrees.

The Council of Canadians commends Chief Wilf Adams and the Lake Babine Nation for their positive approach to moving on from fossil fuels.

We hope the sustainability initiatives will see the project through to completion.

Along with providing inspiration to others to plan a project based on clean energy, the Lake Babine Nation is showing leadership.

Mary Ann Shannon for

Council of Canadians,

Terrace Chapter,

Terrace, B.C

Terrace Standard