Blame game doesn’t help dam debacle

It’s the all-too-very obvious political blame game card that’s being played out when a Nanaimo tax-paid public project has gone over budget.

To the Editor,

Re: Provincial order blamed for costs, Feb. 25.

It’s the all-too-very obvious political blame game card that’s being played out when an ongoing Nanaimo tax-paid public project has – not really too big of a surprise – gone over budget to the tune of $300,000 on this so-called auxiliary spillway channel.

This whole boondoggle of a money-pit mess still continues to bleed out the money from Nanaimo taxpayers who are still the victims of the political vampires who continue to suck out the economic life force in order to maintain their continuing thirst for their too-footloose and too-fancy-free spendthrift ways.

Al MunroNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin