Blessed to have friends

There are no words to express how grateful I am for meeting them and all the memories we share.

Dear Sir:

I feel so blessed, and fortunate to have the friends in my life. They are all so true and have pure hearts of gold. There are no words to express how grateful I am for meeting them and all the memories we share. I was nine when I met my first best friend.

Ever since then, they have kept coming. I never realized how easy it can be to become someone’s friend until and I met her. We are still close friends today.

For some, friends can seem to be hard to find.  Everyone has their own expectations of what a true friend is. Some of the biggest expectations that I have for a friend are to never leave me, hurt me, and always be there for me when I need them.

Friends are the stars in your life that help you realize so many of life’s outcomes. For some people friends help you realize your dreams and who you were meant to be. They can offer support to help you realize your goals. They can help you accomplish activities that you didn’t even know you could do.

But most importantly they never give up on your friendship, they hang on through all of the ups or the downs because they have you to believe in and hold on to.

Whenever bullies have you in a corner and you feel so alone that you question yourself and life, friends are there to pick you up and tell you “Hey, you are worth it.”

You need to keep going because life is always going to get better, and soon you will shine all the way to the top like a star in the night sky. Your dreams and goals can come true.

Don’t listen to what bullies say. They are usually just trying to ruin your day because they have a hard life and they don’t realize that everyone has a hard life at one point or another.

Friends help you realize that bullies can’t hurt you because you are stronger then they could ever be, unless they change their ways. Friends stick up for you and make sure that you are all right.

It really isn’t hard to find a friend. If you’re all alone on the playground and you see someone alone looking like they need a friend; just walk up to them and say hello.

This greeting is the start to many friendships and relationships. Then you just sit down and talk to them, maybe even tell them a bit about yourself, or listen while they talk.

For parents reading this letter I suggest that you show it to your kids especially if they are having problems finding a friend that doesn’t hurt or offend them. I think it would be really help their development in the social world.

It is beyond important for a child to have at least one friend they can count on. If they have more then one, they should consider themselves lucky.

Friends can conquer all loneliness that you have in your life. Some friendships can even turn into close, life-long relationships. Some friends can even fall in love with each other, which is just wonderful. It is always the best feeling ever to be in love with your best friend especially if they love you back. If they don’t then that’s all right too, because your still best friends. No one can change this relationship but you or your friend.

In conclusion, life is a long road of ups, downs, good times, bad times, and times when you are so confused and upset you just don’t know what to do next or what will happen.

Don’t ever doubt yourself or believe people who doubt you. Just keep going and always believe in yourself as your friends do. If you have a dream don’t let anyone change your mind or tell you it’s impossible. Just keep on rolling on the highway of life with your friends, family and some teachers by your side.

Never lose sight of your goal. You can make it. One day you and your friends will see all of your dreams come alive in front of your eyes. Everyone will be so proud of you. Keep sparkling, shining, and honoring the friends in your life. They will be there for you.

Open your heart and just believe that the life you lead will be your road. With that said I would like to thank all of my friends from the bottom of my heart, you mean everything to me.

I don’t know where I would be today without these amazing people. Good luck and keep shooting for the stars.

Kimberley Wilson, Terrace, BC

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