Blindly partisan to say NDP ‘has-beens’

His dismissal of the B.C. New Democrats as a party of “has-beens” is so obviously wishful thinking

Perhaps the media to whom he sends his ill-informed diatribes might want to put some kind of relevance monitor on archconservative propagandist Joe Sawchuk. His dismissal of the B.C. New Democrats as a party of “has-beens” is so obviously wishful thinking without actual knowledge that it degrades the excellent letters sent in by thoughtful readers.

I suppose he had it left over from 1975. It certainly reads like it. Mr. Sawchuk is so blindly partisan he cannot see that every government leaves a legacy, regardless of their political doctrines. Cecil Bennett considered himself a conservative, yet he socialized the power system, public transit and the ferries. David Barrett left the agricultural land reserve, public automobile insurance and a thousand seniors centres and public pools where before there were none. Neither of these governments are “has-beens” because their work still serves the people today.

Bill Bennett and Mike Harcourt also left positive accomplishments behind them. History waits to judge the Liberals once the NDP replace them when the voters decide change is required, but even as I write some minister and his staff of public servants are building for the future despite whatever other policies may be in operation. An independent mind would understand this but Joe Sawchuk sees only the bad in the party he dislikes. He spews vitriol without understanding his subject matter.


David Lowther

Mesachie Lake

Cowichan Valley Citizen