Blocking footpaths with vehicles selfish, dangerous

Again, I had to struggle to access a footpath that was created to keep pedestrians off the road.

I have to speak out as a problem is cropping up too often.

Again, I had to struggle to access a footpath that was created to keep pedestrians off the road. FYI, the access into this or any other footpath is not where you park your vehicle. What if I had a disability and used equipment like a scooter or walker to get about or was pushing a pram? Do you think it is fair that I should have to risk tipping over into a ditch trying to access this path because you selfishly and completely block its access with your enormous truck?

And as for the motorists and service vehicle operators who think they have the right to actually park on a footpath forcing pedestrians and scooters to pass by in the middle of the road, just who do you think you are?

That important that you can park anywhere you please? And what if it is a child on a bicycle who has to swerve out and around your vehicle and maybe into an oncoming car? Would such an event add satisfaction to your already selfish, thoughtless way of functioning?

This business of blocking footpaths with vehicles is becoming a common occurrence and it has to end. It is wrong to prevent people with disabilities from having full access to these paths. There ought to be a bylaw and your licence plate number enough to condemn you.


Gillian Sanders

Cowichan Bay

Cowichan Valley Citizen