Blog provides insight on council business

Many Penticton taxpayers seem to hesitate when it comes to making their views known regarding various civic matters in our community. In order for all citizens to have input into civic matters, Penticton taxpayers now have a new vehicle to understand current issues, to make their views known and have a direct access to the council table.

Many Penticton taxpayers seem to hesitate when it comes to making their views known regarding various civic matters in our community. In order for all citizens to have input into civic matters, Penticton taxpayers now have a new vehicle to understand current issues, to make their views known and have a direct access to the council table.

Coun. Dan Albas has recently introduced his blog ( which is open to all Penticton taxpayers to register for, read, understand his opinions and also contribute their opinions on the various matters discussed. With the introduction of this innovation, the public can access and support the blog with your valuable opinions at no cost to the taxpayers. Your opinions are valuable information that needs to be presented to the council table on your behalf. You do not need to disclose your name on the blog, however, you will need to disclose your email address to Coun. Albas. Use any name you wish to be known as on the blog, it is your opinions that Coun. Albas is interested in and not your name.

Coun. Albas accounts for his voting record, lays out issues in a straight forward manner for all taxpayers to understand and you now have the ability to agree or disagree with his opinions. You will be presented with the upcoming council meeting agenda and with a synopsis of the outcomes of various items ratified at the council meeting.

Some of the recent discussions on the blog were based on his opinions on the Upper Carmi – Upper Columbia water project, status of city reserve funds, changes to the recycling program and a call for input regarding locating a prison in our community. I am sure that Coun. Albas will present any of your valuable concerns to the public through council and in his blog.

Coun. Albas seems to have an unlimited amount of drive and sheer determination to keep Penticton taxpayers informed on civic matters affecting the well-being of our community. I would expect that all politicians will soon follow his lead and open similar blogs for the citizens of B.C. to access and offer their opinions.

It is time for Penticton residents to pop open their clam shells and offer their opinions through the blog of Coun. Albas.

I urge you to register today to take advantage of this innovation being developed by Coun. Albas. Penticton is your community and you should take part in the direction our community travels in the future. Use the blog to make your opinions known.

Ted Wiltse


Penticton Western News