Blue boxes

Resident concerned about having to carry new recycling bins

I just want to say I agree with Pat Black’s column May 4 regarding the blue boxes and seniors.

I live in an over-55 complex and know that half of our residents fit in the disabled category and will find it almost impossible to get these boxes to the curb.

One would be bad enough but to take two of them requires two trips as they are heavy and awkward. But with this new program, both must be put out.

Many people will do just what she said…put more into their garbage, rather than less. The blue bag system was much better for these people. I doubt the powers-that-be will reconsider. After all, who are we but just old people. Our strata had our semi-annual meeting and a large part was discussing these boxes and how inconvenient they are going to be. Storage is another issue.

Small units do not have the room whereas the blue bags took up a very small part of one shelf.


Gloria Hillard




Vernon Morning Star