Bluegrass beckons

Word is hereby spread of an inclusive music group meeting regularly

How important is amateur music?

Most definitely, very!

Without amateurs we probably wouldn’t have any professionals. That is true in any kind of hobby, may it be music, sports or arts. Besides, we all can’t be pros, even if we had the “right-stuff.”

Does this mean that we should not make music, sing or play? Oh, No! Now, that most of us are retired, have raised our families and have a few coins to fall back on, why not blow the dust off that instrument under your bed and start strumming? There is no such thing as not being good enough, one thing is for sure though, you will not get any better by keeping your fiddle in the case.

Bluegrass is perfect for this.

No 1: A good ear is all you need. There is no need to learn how to read music, in fact is not desired. It is almost the law not to. If you can hear it, you can play it. I am quoting Michael Gifford, a teacher from Warfield area.

No 2: There are local bi-weekly jams in Nelson and Castlegar, see: for dates and happenings, where you will learn to play with others. Some basic knowledge how to play your chosen instrument is required, however, There are members who would just love to teach you.

On your shelves are most likely a bunch of C.D.’s maybe some even bluegrass from which you can learn the tunes, also the bluegrass family will always share lyrics and music with you. There are plenty of bluegrass websites available, to tell you all about this style of music and its history, also at the library.

So, to all you closet musicians, your chance to “come out” is now.

Visit our Jamboree, July 12-13-14. At the Pass Creek Fall-Fair Grounds.

A work shop will be held there as well.

Come and join in.


-The Blueberry pickers,


Castlegar News