Board has ‘carelessly created an enormous void’

Cheryle Beaumont brought integrity to the role of superintendent and never once lost sight of what she was appointed to do.

Editor: I am writing in light of the recent announcement from the Board of Education Chair Wendy Johnson regarding Cheryle Beaumont’s sudden departure as Langley Superintendent of Schools.

I am shocked and deeply saddened.

As a long-standing volunteer committee member for the Langley School District Foundation, it has been my pleasure to serve the Foundation and the community it supports with the knowledge that a leader such as  Beaumont was at the helm. Her leadership and commitment to the students of Langley was quite obviously her focus and mandate.

The actions of the board chair and her followers are simply irresponsible and self-serving. They are already in hot water for repaying millions to the province. Just where do they plan to get the money to pay her severance? This shows not only poor judgment but blatant disregard for hard-earned taxpayers’ dollars.

They will be hard-pressed to fill the enormous void they have carelessly created. Beaumont brought integrity to the role of superintendent and never once lost sight of what she was appointed to do — implement and oversee the programs in the district which would support all students in Langley and ultimately improve the achievement of all students.

It appears that Johnson and her seemingly naïve cohorts gave little thought or concern to what was best for the students of Langley, and thought only of their personal agendas.

In my opinion, they have done irreversible damage and will have a lot to answer to in the very near future.

Eleanore Robinson,

Langley School District Foundation committee member

Langley Times