Board showed a lack of honesty

It seems as though the intent was to have the public believe that she resigned, when it fact, the board terminated her contract.

Editor: I have sent the following letter to Langley Board of Education Chair Wendy Johnson. I haven’t yet received a response. Please be aware that many parents whom I have spoken to feel the same way as I do, and we are very concerned about what this means for our school district.

Dear Ms. Johnson:

I feel very misled by the recent press release and interview that you have done re: Cheryle Beaumont’s departure from the Langley School District. It seems as though your intent was to have the public believe that she resigned, when it fact, your board terminated her contract.

There were many alternative ways to communicate this information. Simply standing behind your board’s decision would have been the simplest. Another alternative was to change the wording on the press release, and to have refused to comment to the press.

I’m appalled that an elected representative would act this way.  Could you please explain why the communication to the public was done in this particular manner?

Kim Morgan,


Langley Times