Bollards must go

Saanich cyclist injured after striking one of the traffic barriers on exit of Galloping Goose trail

This letter is in response to the Feb. 24 story “Council looks to put the brakes on bollards,” featuring Coun. Vic Derman

I was finally motivated to contact Saanich after reading your article regarding the numerous injuries to cyclists resulting from crashes with bollards.

In 2015 I incurred a serious injury from a crash on my bicycle when my handlebar caught a Tow Away Zone sign protruding from a centre bollard at the Belgrave Road exit on the Galloping Goose.  I landed hard on my hip and could not move for several minutes. The next day my neighbour kindly drove me to emergency as I could not walk and was afraid I may have broken my pelvis. Thankfully I had not but the injury laid me up for several days and physiotherapy ran into the hundreds of dollars.

Today I wrote a letter to the Saanich Bicycle and Pedestrian Mobility Advisory Committee and included pictures of the offending bollard and its bent signage. I hope your article prompts other riders who have had the unfortunate experience of crashing due to bollards to contact Saanich and support the removal of these barriers.

Cheryl Visser





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