Border wall addresses non-existent problems

The wall may slow migration of illegal aliens now leaving the U.S. for Mexico.

Re: American escalator is going the wrong way, Letters, Dec. 29.

The wall may slow migration of illegal aliens now leaving the U.S. for Mexico.

It’s an archaic idea. History tells us walls which divide countries, no matter how big or well-intentioned, quickly become obsolete. Just ask China or Germany. Even though President Trump’s wall on the Mexican border hasn’t even been built yet, it is already becoming obsolete.

NAFTA has done what it was intended to do, this was to level the economic playing field between our countries, U.S. Canada and Mexico, and now as a result, the Mexican economy is thriving. This is resulting in more people leaving the U.S. for Mexico than are coming in.

It’s ironic that building this expensive wall could actually impede the migration of illegal immigrants now wishing to leave the U.S. for a more prosperous Mexico.

It appears fake truth which fuels fake news is being used as a excuse to create solutions for problems that don’t exist.

It’s time for a reality check.

Dave KoopNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin