Librarians Adele Meadow, left, and Crystal Fletcher sort through some of the books at the Summerland branch of the Okanagan Regional Library. The library is about to move to a new location on Main Street.

Librarians Adele Meadow, left, and Crystal Fletcher sort through some of the books at the Summerland branch of the Okanagan Regional Library. The library is about to move to a new location on Main Street.

Bordering on the magnificent

I must admit, most days at the library are pretty great.

I once had a customer that visited the library every day. He was a short, little fellow but his heart was as big as the sky. Every day he would come into the library and I would ask “How are you today?” He would reply without fail “Bordering on the Magnificent!”

No matter what sort of day he was having, the answer was always the same.

I must admit, most days at the library are pretty great.

We have the enviable task of answering questions, recommending fabulous books, encouraging learning and watching new readers enter the magical realm of reading. What a job!

In the late 1990s we discovered that our little library was, well, a bit too little for our community. We were just too cramped.

It was about this time that the little fellow with the big heart got together a few others and started the Friends of the Summerland Library Society.

Some of you may know that I’m talking about Cam Carmichael and his famous determination.

The FOSLS (as they are lovingly known) began advocating for a larger library space. They started having book sales of donated books, accepting bequests and donations towards the cause.

Fast forward 15 years, several failed attempts to relocate and many, many book sales and the FOSLS are ready to support the ORL as they move into the new library on Main Street.

Over the years, the FOSLS have shown their commitment to the library time and time again.

As proposals for new spaces came and went, the group kept a positive attitude and a solid belief in the value of the library to our community.

Taking a page from the FOSLS playbook, the library staff made a decision several years ago to change our thinking.

We stopped thinking about what we couldn’t do and started thinking about what we could do.

We stopped thinking about how often we bumped into loaded book trolleys and started thinking about how well our team could work together.

We started brainstorming creative ways to make our little library shine and changed our motto to “Go Big or Go Home!”

It’s amazing to realize how much difference a little change in thinking can make.

The FOSLS have been beside us all the way, helping at kids programs, hosting author visits, walking in the parade and squirrelling away book sale funds 25 cents at a time.

It’s hard to believe that our new library is almost ready. We know that for all the FOSLS, customers and staff that have been ‘wishin’ and ‘hopin’ and ‘thinkin’ and ‘prayin’, ‘plannin’ and ‘dreamin’ for opening day – it truly will be “Bordering on the Magnificent”.

Join us on Oct. 3 at 9:30 a.m. for the grand opening of the new library at 9533 Main Street.

Sue Kline is the Community Librarian at the Summerland Branch and thinks every day has the potential to be magnificent!


Summerland Review