Bouquets to Second Time Around

The author thanks Second Time Around for donating benches that were placed along the Dunes walking trail.

Dear Editor

Most weeks this column is filled with either complaints or opinions of the general public, that are depressing and boring. This week I would like to reverse this trend and give a huge Shout Out  of appreciation for the little Second Time Around thrift store volunteers.

I approached the ladies (and men) asking if they would consider donating funds toward the purchase and placement of a bench that would be placed up on the outside trail along the “dunes” where dozens of people walk every day. Some of us are getting up there and a rest is needed when trying to complete a walk each day. The Second Time Around group very generously advised me they had approved funding to purchase and place three beautiful benches along the trail overlooking the village and river.

Within the last week or so Ashcroft’s public works crew has secured and placed these benches so that walkers or tourists using the B&B up on the Mesa can relax and view our village from these beautiful vantage points.

A huge bouquet of roses to both the volunteers of Second Time Around. And our Village workers for installation of these benches for our residents to enjoy. Thank you!

Lee  Desmarais


Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal