Boutique was truly inspiring

I know that I am not alone in wanting to acknowledge with sadness the closure of Inspiration Gift Boutique.


I know that I am not alone in wanting to acknowledge with sadness the closure of a long-time Revelstoke business, Inspiration Gift Boutique.  While we are all happy that its proprietor, Karen Olsson can now enjoy her well-deserved retirement, many of us will miss being able to stop into her beautiful store, not only to pick up a gift for someone (or ourselves) but also just to savour a few minutes of blissful browsing.  For 24 years, Karen has shared her talents in choosing the best products and creating gorgeous shelf and window displays. Those abilities combined with her friendly nature and extraordinary customer service have made the boutique a unique, invaluable, “go-to” gift store in Revelstoke and it will be sorely missed.  Along with many fellow Revelstokians who have enjoyed shopping at Inspiration Gift Boutique, I wish Karen all the best in her retirement and thank her for her commitment and dedication to our community in providing wonderful service for so many years.

Lori Rohde,



Revelstoke Times Review