
Letter writer praises local youth for writing on women's rights

Bravo Kayla Wirth. Thank you.

You have written a masterpiece of what I have been preaching for some 50 years.

The suffragettes would be so proud of you, as am I  (The Morning Star Jan. 8).

Since 1921, the first federal election where Canadian women won the right to vote was a momentous victory.

However, it seems that for two steps forward, we must go one step back.

It  wasn’t until 1940 that women of colour, Asians and East Indian women were allowed that right.

It took aboriginal women covered by the Indian Act another 20 years (1960) to receive it.

Finally in 1960, all Canadian women had the right to vote in a federal election.

One battle was won, but not the war.

After 92 years, we are still fighting for our rights.

Many men today realize our worth and appreciate our contribution in the workplace, but they need a stronger voice.

Politicians have passed laws against discrimination which are not always adhered to until taken to court.

We now have four women premiers. Kudos to them. Perhaps they will make a difference.

Many young women today will not realize there is inequality in the workplace until they recognize the glass ceiling.

Young women like yourself must band together, raise the bar and claim the right that we have truly earned. There is still a long way to go.

Keep that fire in your heart, that smile on your face and roar away. You already are a winner.


Maureen McClocklin




Vernon Morning Star