Break free from fossil fuels

Break Free is a climate movement initiative to shut down the world’s most dangerous fossil fuel projects

To the editor;

Break Free is a climate movement initiative to shut down the world’s most dangerous fossil fuel projects and support ambitious climate solutions.

In B.C., people are encouraged to “break free from fossil fuels” by taking action against the Kinder Morgan pipeline. This protest will happen May 14 as the National Energy Board announces its decision on the pipeline.

Why should we stand in the way of a good “corporate citizen” like Kinder Morgan? Because their job is to build pipelines. It is critical that there be no tar sands expansion, therefore no need for pipeline expansion, period, it’s that simple, it’s just not negotiable.

Our commitment is to meet the United Nations goal agreed on December 2015 at the Paris Climate Change Conference. That goal is to limit the rise in global temperatures to 2° degrees centigrade by 2100. This is deemed the safe limit if we are to pass on a world that is more or less recognizable.

There is a plethora of information about climate change, supported by 98 per cent of United Nations scientists. It’s impossible to deny the predicament we’ve put ourselves in. It’s time to embrace a future supported by clean renewable energy, a sector that is exploding with economic potential and has been outpacing the fossil fuel industry for two years.

A wonderful analogy, “the stone age didn’t end because we ran out of stones”, something better came along.

I encourage you to take a stand of resistance to dangerous fossil fuel projects, endeavor to be informed on climate science, and take responsibility for achieving our 2° degrees C goal, or better yet 1.5°.

Some interesting online articles:

• Industry’s slower growth plans may not require more mega-pipelines

• Solar industry says 70,000 jobs knocking on Alberta’s door

• Suncor to build multiple solar and wind projects in Alberta

Kathy Karlstrom

Little Fort, B.C.


Barriere Star Journal