Bright future dulled by today

Our earthly calendar is running out of tomorrows which squashes the myth that tomorrow never comes.

Our earthly calendar is running out of tomorrows which squashes the myth that tomorrow never comes.

Oil disasters in Lac-Mégantic, Que. and now Gainford, Alta. has the top brass defending railroad safety record transporting oil.

I believe a cap  ( muzzle) should be put on these well-oiled lips that spout crudely while telling the tale of the rhythm pals  Leaky-Sneaky and the Oil Leaks whom appear to be in harmony and agreement with the fracking of Mother Nature.

No person on earth can guarantee or brag about the unknown as the potential for disaster has never changed.

The Exxon Valdez tanker crash changed the environmental picture of Prince William Sound forever and let’s not forget the BP oil rig and all the other leaks and other carnage that weaken our well-being.

Think about it nuclear war hasn’t arrived yet nor a West Coast earthquake so take your pick of what kit you want, a nuke sandwich or a hide under a desk.

It gets more difficult to put on a smiley face as many of us won’t be around to smile in the year 2045 when old Mike along with old former Premier Christy Clark’s prediction of a debt-free B.C. perhaps. comes true.

Tom Isherwood


Penticton Western News