Bring back the lake!

On Saturday, July 20, I drove from the White Rock area to Aldergrove (Regional) Park to enjoy a picnic with a friend.


On Saturday, July 20, I drove from the White Rock area to Aldergrove (Regional) Park to enjoy a picnic with a friend.

This outing was in memory of my hisband, who passed away in 2012. We always loved the park with its lake and the families who would be having such a good time at the delightful spot. We would enjoy our summer visits with the convenience of being able to unload our folding chairs and picnic supplies near our favorite sitting area, and being able to park in a nearby handicapped spot.

Our special seating area is the shade of the trees gave us a view of the numerous families with all their laughter and chatter while they would be enjoying the wonderful area next to the lake.

My visit thuds year was different. Gone were all the families who used to enjoy such happy outings next to, and in, the lake. The children playing in and next to the water were a joy to hear and watch.

Now the families and these happy times are gone. On my Saturday visit there were only two small groups at the picnic tables. One gent came by and asked me, “Where is the lake?” I could only tell him it is all a memory.

I knew the lake had disappeared from an article that had been printed in The Peace Arch News when the decision was made to remove the lake.

It would be lovely if the Aldergrove Lake could return for the next summer season and bring back the enjoyment for families near and far who could once again have it on their list for a fun times venue.

It is sad to see the area empty and lacking the joyful events that gave so much pleasure to folks of all ages.

Nan Devereaux, White Rock

Aldergrove Star