Bring in observers to ensure corrupt free election

May I humbly suggest that prior to the next federal election, we make application to the United Nations to have international observers?

Editor, The Times:

The 2012 federal budget has very specific winners and losers.

The Winners:  Big oil and mining companies, pipeline companies, cross border shoppers and construction companies specializing in prisons.

The Losers:  The public service, public broadcasting, arts and culture, Atlantic coastal rescue, and youth programs.

It was a predictable budget by the Alliance, oops, Conservative government of Steven Harper.  But, you protest, this was a democratically elected government, truly reflecting the will of the Canadian public, right?  A few thousand misleading robo calls to voters doesn’t signal election fraud, does it?

May I humbly suggest that prior to the next federal election, we make application to the United Nations to have international observers on the ground and airwaves to ensure a corruption free election?  In other words, practise what we preach.

Wes Morden

Blackpool, B.C.



Clearwater Times