Bring on the noise, and the fun

Dear Editor,

I read an article about the possibility of go-karts coming to Harrison! I sure hope that this venture gets approved but once again a group of retentive Harrison residents are opposed.

This group of people fear that people will come to Harrison and have fun! They fear there might be noise from laughter and small engines… AND children might be attracted to such an activity! Imagine — children having fun in Harrison.

Many 50+ residents of Harrison believe we live in a giant, gated community!

They complain about everything! Noise, fun, smoke, traffic, sun, rain, dogs, cats, development, building, tree clearing etc.

These people worry that the go-karts will create noise, yet the same group of people don’t mind firing up their 27hp Binford gas power washers on Saturday and Sunday mornings waking up the shift workers who pay all the premium taxes!

But so be it. We all must get along. Next week I’ll write a letter in support of my friend Peter Kingma and how his plans will benefit the community!

Pierre Bouvier

Agassiz Observer