Bring out your books for Smithers library book sale

Lorraine Doiron's A View from the Porch column.

The Friends of the Smithers Library Annual Book Sale is happening on Friday, October 28, from 11 – 7 p.m., and then again on Saturday, October 29, from 11 to 4 p.m. It’s at  3835 1st Ave, beside Gone Hollywood Video. Drop off book donations at the library, we are looking for paperbacks and teen books, although, as you know, we always have a wide assortment of reading material for every taste and age. If it is going to be a long cold winter (as the weatherman predicts) there is nothing better than a great selection to get you through to spring.

Went to the Seniors’ Wednesday lunch, always such good food. For dessert we had a chocolate cake with peaches with ice cream. Nancy Devries said that every second Wednesday the Royal Purple Ladies bring a cake to the lunch. The hall renovations are nearly done, everything looks nice. Activities are returning to normal times: pancake breakfast, yoga, line dancing, Thursday cards and now a Thursday quilting/sewing/knitting time is being added. Myrna Arnett will be in charge of that event. Some time after November 17 the Two Old Ladies at the Kitchen Table will have a date for a trip to Prince George. An overnight trip with a play to see and enjoy, time for Christmas shopping. Fifteen people are celebrating October Birthdays. Hope everyone had the chance to celebrate with family and friends.

On October 20, at 10:20am, is ShakeOutBC, An earthquake drill, the largest earthquake awareness and education program in Canada with 410,000 already registered. Schools, seniors’ groups, the municipal hall, fire hall, everyone is encouraged to register. Visit and click on “Register Now”.

Enjoy karaoke? Round Lake Community Association invites you to the Round Lake Hall on Oct. 29, at 7:30 p.m. where you can choose from over 1,000 songs, 100 of them by Elvis. A free, fun, non-alcoholic event.

Fast facts: medieval society was very familiar with red, black, purple, pale-yellow carrots. Our popular, normal bright-orange carrot wasn’t developed until the 1600s.

Ever had a glass of warm milk to help you sleep? Thousands of years ago, the Talmud associated drinking milk with sleep. Today there is no scientific evidence that it has the slightest impact on drowsiness. Milk does contain the nap-inducing amino acid tryptophan but only trace amounts.

Don’t forget to send in your questions for the candidates in our upcoming municipal election to the Smithers Community Radio CICK 93.9FM website, All questions will go into a hat; candidates will draw, give their opinion/answer on that question. Check out the station’s website for dates and times, a great way to hear the candidates.

Lorraine Doiron writes the View from the Porch column.

Smithers Interior News