Broad opposition to pipeline expansion

It is to the reader's benefit that G.E. MacDonnell offers his bias as a "communications specialist for two large energy corporations".

It is to the reader’s benefit that G.E. MacDonnell (“Preying upon ignorance“, Jan. 26) offers his bias as a “communications specialist for two large energy corporations”.

I do not agree, however, that one must be a “marketing research guru” to gauge opposition to the expansion of pipelines in B.C.  May I suggest Mr. MacDonnell peruse the Feb. 2 Vancouver Sun article titled “Planning feared to be first casualty in rush to export energy”.

He may be interested in the opinions of Randy Shoop, a former logger very familiar with the lay of the land, and is very much opposed to the Northern Gateway line.

I believe that opposition to pipeline expansion is much broader than a “vocal minority”.  Expansion of supply is not for local demand, but is instead being directed off-shore.

And as well as the environmental concerns that come with the expansion, would we not expect increased export of Canada’s resource to raise — rather than lower — our current price at the pump ?

Regina Dalton

Abbotsford News