Broaden the benefit for Saanich park users

Play park for young children would benefit more in community around Cedar Hill Park

Re: Cedar Hill Park users deserve more (Letters, Nov. 22)

We have lived beside the golf course since 1967 and I agree with Andy Ruszel’s comments.

When we moved here, many children played along the path or in the bushes beside the golf course. It was wonderful to hear their voices as I worked in my garden or walked the trail. Now life is different and children can no longer play in wooded areas by themselves.

What a wonderful opportunity we have. The underused playing field would be an ideal location for an adventure playground. Parents could sit and enjoy a cup of coffee and watch their little ones play safely in the fresh air.

We already have golf, tennis, walking, running and many activities available in the rec centre for adults and older children, but there is no playground for small children in the area between Cedar Hill Road, Cook Street/Maplewood Road and Finlayson Street and Cedar Hill Cross Road.

Such a playground would indeed provide better substantial benefit for the largest number of community members, while actually costing us less. Then maybe we could have some money left to upgrade parts of the walking trail to make it safer for all ages. At the very least let us have more community input before we basically give away this beautiful public land to a private club.

Once it is gone it is gone.

Betty Miller


Victoria News