Budget shortfall

In response to The Morning Star article on $1.7 million shortfall regarding Bill Turanski, school board chairperson.

The good news is that this amount is less than the $2.1 million that was cut out of the education budget last year and $2.4 million the year before.

As a matter of fact, 13 million dollars has been cut from the education budget in the last 13 years.

How is it possible that there has been a $13 million reduction in the education budget you are wondering?

Buses have been cut, programs have been cut, teachers and CEA’s have been cut, custodial staff has been cut, utilities are being rationed with no level of comfort in mind.

Ridiculous situation you might say.  There’s more.

I read in the paper recently, that Vernon is hosting the Winter Games Feb. 23- 26 and we can expect 2,100 athletes and 2,800 volunteers.

This is a great idea for Vernon, unfortunately, they are going to be housing these athletes in our schools free of charge during the school week. Students will be apparently given a few days off school, to be making up that time at a later date.

We cannot expect these athletes to be walking all over town like our students do. They’ll probably be running the buses.

The custodial staff will no doubt be required to work full days again to clean up after a few thousand people, that will be good, and they’ll probably have the heat on!

My point is, who is running this show?

If they can cut 1.7 million dollars out of next year’s education budget, close the schools down for the Winter Games to house athletes and coaching staff during the school week, perhaps there are some job opportunities for business people at the board office?

Nadine Wilson




Vernon Morning Star